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In the recent past, the Buloke Shire Council provided services to its residents that were in excess of the financial capacity of the organisation. This led to a situation whereby the Council became financially unsustainable. In order to address this issue Council has had to reduce the level of services provided to residents to ensure that it can continue to serve its community.
A hard lesson that has been learned during this period of time is that the level of services that can be provided to rural residents is considerably less than those that can be provided to residents in more densely settled areas. This is especially inequitable for residents in large shires with small populations. The lack of availability of these services results primarily from the much higher costs arising for their provision given a range of factors including:
To view a copy of Buloke Shire Council's Rural Advocacy Strategy which was tabled for adoption at Council's 11 February 2015 Ordinary Meeting, please click on the below link:
Rural Advocacy Strategy