
Lake Watchem

  • Asset Plan 2022-2032 The Asset Plan 2022-2032 has been prepared and presented to the Buloke community as a ‘balanced’ preliminary plan formulated using assumptions as a starting point for Council decisions including the development of priorities for asset renewal/replacement, and consideration and review of future capital works programs. It is termed 'preliminary' because it needs to be updated at least once annually.
  • Long-Term Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-2025 The Long-Term Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-2025 presents a range of strategies to guide Council over the next four years under the Council Plan as well as applying a ten-year lens to inform the Community Vision. The Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan has again been incorporated into the Council Plan.
  • Annual Plan Year 4 The Council Plan 2021-2025 - Year 4 Annual Plan outlines the delivery of the fourth year of the Buloke Shire Council Plan.
  • Annual Plan Year 3 The Council Plan 2021-2025 - Year 3 Annual Plan outlines the the delivery of the third year of the Buloke Shire Council Plan.
  • Annual Plan Year 2 The Council Plan 2021-2025 - Year 2 Annual Plan outlines the the delivery of the second year of the Buloke Shire Council Plan.
  • Annual Plan Year 1 The Council Plan 2021-2025 - Year 1 Annual Plan outlines the the delivery of the first year of the Buloke Shire Council Plan.
  • Buloke Climate Action Plan Climate mitigation and adaptation actions have been identified to reduce Buloke Shire Council’s corporate and community climate risks and enhance climate-related opportunities. Actions have been categorised into 13 goals for climate action.
  • Buloke Inclusiveness Plan The Buloke Shire Inclusiveness Plan is about seeing and hearing our residents whose voices are often unheard and contributions to our community often unseen.
  • Children Youth and Families Plan The Children Youth and Families Plan combines the Buloke Shire Council Children & Youth Strategy and Buloke Shire Council Municipal Early Years Plan into a single ten-year plan to address the needs of children, young people, and families.
  • Domestic Animal Management Plan The plan aims to balance the competing demands of pet owners and the community, and encourages responsible pet ownership.
  • Financial Plan The Financial Plan provides a 10 year financial projection regarding how the actions of the Council Plan may be funded to achieve the Community Vision. This plan was adopted by Council on 16 June 2021, then reviewed in July 2022.
  • Gender Equality Action Plan Buloke Shire Council’s vison is for a whole of organisation approach to embed gender equality principles in the culture across all functions of Council in a viable and meaningful way. As a signatory to the Local Government Women’s Charter, Council is proud of its public commitment to gender equity and inclusiveness.
  • Municipal Emergency Management Plan The aim of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan is to detail agreed multi-agency arrangements for the prevention of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from emergencies that could occur in the Buloke Shire.
  • Municipal Fire Prevention Plan The Strategy has been developed as an aid to prepare and protect the Municipality, its residents and their assets from the threat of uncontrolled fire.
  • Municipal Flood Emergency Plan The Buloke Municipal Emergency Flood Plan details arrangements agreed for the preparedness/prevention, response, relief and recovery from flood incidents.
  • Pandemic Influenza Plan The aim of this plan is to assist in reducing the impacts of an Influenza Pandemic on the municipality and provide support and recovery assistance throughout the duration of the influenza pandemic.
  • Recovery Plan Buloke like many LGAs have been heavily affected by the October 2022 Flooding event. It is understood that there will be significant infrastructure, economic, agricultural, and social impacts to the community in Buloke. Council will continue to support the Buloke community through their recovery and are already engaging heavily with the community in relation to road reopening and restoration.
  • Revenue and Rating Plan The Revenue and Rating Plan informs the approach to generating income required to support the implementation of the Council Plan and was adopted by Council on 16 June 2021.
  • Road Management Plan The Plan outlines our road management responsibilities and details the standards of road maintenance service for roads within this municipality.