
Community & Sustainability Grant Guidelines

All information on the application process is outlined in our guidelines informed by our grants policy. Printed copies of our Community and Sustainability Grant guidelines are available on request.

Who Can Apply?

Applicants must: 

  • Be a Not-for-Profit community group or organisation;
  • Be incorporated, or apply through an auspice organisation;**
  • Run the activity, or project, from a location within Buloke Shire and/or show that it will benefit residents of Buloke Shire;
  • Have no outstanding debts with Buloke Shire Council, and;
  • Have satisfactorily acquitted all previous Buloke Shire Council grants.

**An incorporated organisation can auspice up to three community groups.

What We Fund

  • Strengthening and building capacity and capability of local organisations;
  • Assistance with the organisation and management of a project;
  • Assisting in purchasing small capital items;
  • Supporting councils’ goals and objectives; and
  • Environmental sustainability initiatives.

What We Won't Fund

  • Alcohol licenses, tobacco, gambling related activities, and activities at gambling venues
  • General fundraising and fundraising events, competitions, trophies, prizes or awards
  • Activities that have already started and/or need retrospective funding
  • Activities, projects, programs and events that are owned, managed or already funded by Buloke Shire Council
  • Personal expenses (i.e. petrol, utility bills, phone bills that aren’t in the group’s name or are not incurred by the group)
  • Applications that do not meet eligibility requirements
  • Applications with incomplete or incorrect information or supporting documents
  • Activities that may compromise Council’s reputation, image, probity or ability to fulfill its functions and responsibilities
  • Applications that do not have Public Liability Insurance
  • Individuals or political parties, and
  • Organisations or events where the funds made available would be used to provide sponsorship or grants to third parties.