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Councils are required by the State Government to revalue all properties within their municipality annually. This means that all properties in Victoria are valued at a common date (1 January). The valuation of your property is used to calculate your rates.
Every year, a qualified valuer is contracted and engaged by Council to determine property values throughout the Shire. The valuer assesses each property in line with Best Practice Guidelines laid down by the Victorian Valuer-General.
The valuer assesses the amount a property would sell for at a specific date. The latest property sales, rental data, land type, buildings and their condition, and property improvements are analysed as part of the valuation process.
As a ratepayer you can object to your valuation if you believe your property has been inaccurately or unreasonably valuated.
Objections must happen within two months of the date of issue on the notice and can be lodged via the Valuer General Rating Portal.
Alternatively objection forms are located under the downloadable forms tab on Councils website under the heading "Rates and Property".
Objectors must still pay rates by the due date. If you do not pay your rates by the due date, you may be charged interest on amounts owing.
For all enquiries, please contact Councils Rates Officer on 1300 520 520.