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Rabbits are the worst and most destructive introduced pest animal in Victoria.
There is no quick fix to eradicate rabbits and more than one measure is required and landholders need to be persistent.
All landowners are legally required to take measures to control rabbits. State legislation (Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994) requires landowners to control declared Pest Plants and Animals, including rabbits, on their land. Control is defined as taking action to minimise their impact and to prevent their spread.
Between 2009 and 2011, Buloke Shire received funding through the Building the Capacity of Local Government to respond to Pests Program. We undertook approximately 700km of rabbit works on Buloke shire roadsides. These works married in with rabbit control works done by local landcare groups and aligned with the Mallee Action Plan which also supports community action in controlling rabbits within the DPI priority Central Mallee Community Rabbit project area.